Saturday, August 26, 2017

[KU-xxx/2017] 150 Perkeretaapian Belanda Di Indonesia Diperingati

Utrecht  : Kehadiran jejak-jejak dan keberadaan kereta api Belanda di Indonesia sudah 150 tahun terjadi. Itu juga yang menjadi alasan peringatan 150 tahun Perkeretaapian Belanda di Tanah Air diperingati di Belanda.

Adalah Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Belanda, I Gusti A Wesaka Puja, menghadiri peringatan tonggak sejarah penting di Tanah Air itu, yang tidak saja penting pada aspek perhubungan darat melainkan pada aspek lebih luas dan strategis.

Turut hadir juga sejumlah pejabat Kemenhub, pada gelaran di Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht, Belanda, Kamis (10/8).  Atase Perhubungan Kedutaan Besar Indonesia di Den Haag, I Made Suartika , Sabtu, menyebutkan, pada 10 Agustus 1867, untuk pertama kalinya kereta api penumpang beroperasi menghubungkan Kota Semarang dan Stasiun Tanggung di Jawa Tengah.

Peringatan 150 tahun Perkeretapian Belanda di Indonesia diisi berbagai program termasuk Forum Bisnis Infrastruktur Kereta Api Indonesia. Pada Forum ini, delegasi Indonesia menyampaikan berbagai program pemerintah di bidang pembangunan perkeretapian dan peluang investasi serta kerja sama dengan negara mitra, termasuk Belanda. 

Beberapa perusahaan terkemuka yang turut hadir dalam pertemuan itu antara lain Netherlands Spoorweg, Pro Rail, Structon, dan beberapa ahli Belanda di bidang perkeretaapian.

Dalam forum Suartika menyampaikan beberapa proyek prioritas pemerintah di subsektor ini, di antaranya pembangunan jalur kereta api di wilayah Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Termasuk rencana pembangunan Light Rail Transit di Bandung dan pembangunan trem di Surabaya.

 Sumber : AntaraNews, 11.08.17.

[English Version]

Indonesia, Netherlands Commemorate 150 Years of Railroad System

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Dutch railroad system in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands, I Gusti A Wesaka Puja, accompanied Inspector General of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Wahyu Satrio Utomo, and the Special Staff of the Indonesian Minister of Transportation, Wihana Kirana, to attend the celebration of 150th anniversary of Dutch railroad system in Indonesia at Spoorwegmuseum Utrecht in the Netherlands.

"On Aug 10, 1867, for the first time, the passenger train operated to connect Semarang city and Tanggung station in Central Java province," Puja stated in a press release from the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague received here on Tuesday.

The celebration event included the Indonesian Railway Infrastructure Business Forum. At the forum, the Indonesian delegation delivered various government programs in the field of railway development and investment opportunities, as well as cooperation with partner countries, including the Netherlands.

"The 150th Anniversary of Indonesian Railways is a very appropriate moment to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands, including the improvement of knowledge sharing cooperation and investment, especially in the field of transportation infrastructure," Puja stated.

In line with the Indonesian ambassador, Utomo also emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation for the development of railway infrastructure between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

"Through meetings with other railway entrepreneurs and stakeholders, we also want to explore opportunities for investment schemes that support the railway infrastructure development program, as well as draw experiences and lessons from Dutch experts," Utomo noted.

The Railway Infrastructure Business Forum would be followed by a discussion to realize the opportunities for cooperation in the field of railway transport and concrete implementation.

Some of the leading companies that attended the meeting included Netherlands Spoorweg, Pro Rail, Structon, and some Dutch railway experts.

The Indonesian Delegation conveyed several government priority projects, including the construction of railways in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, during the forum.

Development plans of Light Rail Transit in Bandung and tram in Surabaya were also discussed during the meeting.(*)

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